栏目广告位一 |
Step by Step 3000
Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit12:Dictation item(2)
Item two.Vocabulary. Yosemite.Today, we tell about one of the most famous national parks in the United States.It's one of the most beautiful places in the country.Yosemite Nati
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-25Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit12:Dictation item(1)
Unit 12. Dictation.In this unit, you'll hear 11 items for dictation.Each item will be presented three times, write down every word you hear.Item One.Vocabulary. tactile.Differe
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-24Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit11:Visions of the Future(4)
Part 4. Language Study and language appreciation.Listen to the following statements, pay special attention to the parts in bold type, learn to appreciate and use the language.1. to
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-24Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit11:Visions of the Future(3)
Part 3. Predictions on tomorrow.A. Keywords. responsibility, computers, brain activity.Vocabulary. impose, diagnosis, scalp.You are going to hear some predictions on the future.Lis
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-24Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit11:Visions of the Future(2)
Part 2. The Times capsule.Keywords. time capsule, future, be passed on.Vocabulary. copper, aluminum, stainless, non-rusting, leakproof, humidity, Zimbabwe.A. Do you know what a tim
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-24Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit11:Visions of the Future(1)
Unit 11. Visions of the future.Part 1. Warming up.A. Keywords. businesses, office, transport, advertising.Vocabulary. clerical worker, client.Listen to some predictions some people
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-24Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit10:Happy New Year(4)
Part 4. What's your New Year's resolution?Keywords. New Year, celebration, resolution.Vocabulary. signify, folk song, alcohol, resolution, debt, shopaholic, temptation, bar
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-23Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit10:Happy New Year(3)
Part 3. The Time Ball.Keywords. time ball, drop, time signals, tradition.Vocabulary. install, observatory, revive, sweep, viable, hoist,gravity, mechanism, aluminum, flavor, sponso
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-23Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit10:Happy New Year(2)
Part 2. Chinese New Year.A. Keywords. pig, zodiac signs, animal.Vocabulary. zodiac, domesticate, insulation, manufacture, insecticide,pharmaceutical, heart valve, nominate, charity
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-23Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit10:Happy New Year(1)
Unit 10. Happy New Year.Part 1. Warming up.A. Keywords. millennium, celebration.Vocabulary. chime, millennium, prospective, gala, countdown, fanfare,Kiribati, Vietnam, Hanoi, Bangk
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-23Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit9:For Peace and Development(4)
Part 4. Language Study and language appreciation.Listen to the following statement, pay special attention to the parts in bold type, learn to appreciate and use the language.1. in
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-23Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit9:For Peace and Development(3)
Part 3. UN peacekeeping missions.Keywords. peacekeeping missions, end fighting, end armed conflicts.Vocabulary. deployment, standby, High Readiness Brigade, UN Secretary General.No
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-22Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit9:For Peace and Development(2)
Part 2. The Panama Canal handover.Keyword. The Panama Canal, 19th century, hard labor, cut off, engineering marvels, relinquish control of.Vocabulary. swamp, jungle, malaria, depos
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-22Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit9:For Peace and Development(1)
Unit 9. For Peace and Development.Part 1. Warming up.A. Keywords. union, organization, headquarters, fund, secretariat.Vocabulary. integration, mission, coherent, solidarity, auton
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-22Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit8:Trends in Economics(4)
Part 4. Short talks on listening skills.Listen to the short talk entitled "Thinking ahead of the speaker ——anticipation helps".Some important words are taken away from the writte
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-22Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit8:Trends in Economics(3)
Part 3. Bulls and bears.Keywords. stock exchange, brokers, companies, investors, value, the big board,a bull market, a bear market, prices, profit, go belly up, windfall.Vocabulary
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-22Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit8:Trends in Economics(2)
Part 2. Nobel Prize winner for economics.Keywords. Nobel Prize for Economics,large forces, unemployment, inflation, national savings, change policy.Vocabulary. the Royal Swedish Ac
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-19Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit8:Trends in Economics(1)
Unit 8. Trends in Economics.Part 1. Warming up.A. Keywords. buy, meeting, trend, sell, release oil,aid, common import tax, market drops, stock prices, interest rates.Vocabulary. ae
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-19Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit7:Transporation(4)
Part 4. Asia's cities face gridlock.Keywords. Asia's cities, gridlock, mass transit systems, car sales, problems.Vocabulary. gridlock, lure, aggravate, snarl, implement.A.
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-19Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit7:Transporation(3)
Part 3. The UN Road Safety Week.Keywords. UN Road Safety Week, road accidents, young people, cause of deaths, first step, preventable.Vocabulary. bid, helmet, obstacle.A. You are g
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-19Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit7:Transporation(2)
Part 2. Green Transporation Festival.Keywords. Green Transporation Festival, oil, environment, reduce, other kinds of fuels.Vocabulary. hydrogen, propane, scooter, hybrid, ethanol.
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-19Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit6:The Glory of Sport(1)
Unit 6. For the Glory of Sport.Part 1. Warming up.A. Keywords. the "firsts", Olympic.Vocabulary. hemisphere, Melbourne, Munich.You are going to hear some "firsts" in Olympic histor
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-18Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit7:Transporation(1)
Unit 7. Transportation.Part 1. Warming up.A. Keywords. weather, around the world.Vocabulary. Amsterdam, Bogota, Dublin, Istanbul, Warsaw.You are going to hear the weather forecast
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-18Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit6:The Glory of Sport(4)
Part 4. Language Study and Language Appreciation.Listen to the following statements, pay special attention to the parts in bold type.Learn to appreciate it and use the language.1.
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-18Step by Step 3000 第1册 Unit6:The Glory of Sport(3)
Part 3. Sports and Entertainment ChoicesKeywords. Paralympics, sports competition, physical or mental limitations, disabilities, choices of entertainment,Vocabulary. spinal cord, w
step by step 3000第一册2016-08-18
栏目广告位二 |