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BBC环球慢速英语 第328期:2007年世界粮食日(1)


World Food Day 2007

voice 1: Hello. I'm Ruby Jones.

voice 2: And I'm Marina Santee. Welcome to Spotlight. This programme uses a special English method of broadcasting. It is easier for people to understand, no matter where in the world they live.

voice 3: More than eight hundred and fifty million people in the world do not have enough to eat.

Hunger and poverty claim twenty five thousand lives every day.

voice 1: These reports are from the World Food Programme. There was a time when such facts shocked people. But today, many people know the facts of world hunger. They may not have experienced serious hunger themselves. But they hear many reports with numbers and facts. There are reports about new policies and papers to end world hunger. There are aid groups asking for money. Food aid comes and disappears in needy countries. Problems remain. Many people ask what they can really do. In today's Spotlight we look at some people who answered this question in their communities.