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BBC环球慢速英语 第486期:不丹——幸福的国度(8)


voice 1: Mark Windsley is a man who agrees with that. Mark tells of his experience. He had a good job, money and power. He had more money than he needed. He could have anything he wanted. But he was not happy. He felt a huge desire to work harder and harder. The months went by. Mark could no longer deal with the pressure of work. He became sick. Doctors said that he had suffered a mental breakdown. It was a terrible time. Mark felt alone and afraid. He cried out to God to help him. At the time Mark says he felt stupid. He did not even believe that God existed. But today Mark describes that time as a turning point in his life. He says that God answered his cry. He felt close to God. Mark felt stronger. He knew that he was no longer alone.