栏目广告位一 |
Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit12:Dictation Item(8)
Item Eight.Vocabulary. popularize.A number of big chain stores in China are trying to popularize cotton shopping bags to reduce the amount of plastic ones being thrown away.However
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-20Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit12:Dictation Item(7)
Item Seven.Vocabulary. artificial, evict.The latest fashion on British TV is reality TV.Reality TV means that shows follow and film ordinary people in artificial situation.This cou
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-20Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit12:Dictation Item(6)
Item Six.Vocabulary. diagnose, testicular cancer, chemotherapy, bout, beacon, Lance Armstrong, Tour de France.Lance Armstrong was born on September 18th, 1971.Athletic from the sta
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-19Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit12:Dictation Item(5)
Item Five.Vocabulary. communicable, SARS, Vietnam-France Hospital, Hanoi, Carlo Urbani.On February 28th, 2003, the Vietnam-France Hospital in Hanoi asked Carlo Urbani for help.The
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-19Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit12:Dictation Item(4)
Item Four.Vocabulary. mint, San Jose, Ryan Stewart.College graduation brings both the satisfaction of academic achievements and the expection of a well-paying job.But for 6,000 gra
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-19Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit12:Dictation Item(3)
Item Three.Vocabulary. unchecked.We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear.May be some of you fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone ha
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-19Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit12:Dictation Item(2)
Item Two.Vocabulary. grumpy, combat, uplifting.Mondays are generally seen as the worst day of the week.Because people feel grumpy and tired at having to go back to work after a wee
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-19Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit12:Dictation Item(1)
Step by Step 3000. Book Two.Unit 12. Dictation.In this unit, you'll hear 11 items for dictation.Each item will be presented three times. Write down every word you hear.Item One
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-18Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit11:Space(4)
Part 4. Language study and language appreciation.Listen to the following statements you have learned in the previous and present units.Pay special attention to the parts in bold pa
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-18Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit11:Space(3)
Part 3. Compton Gamma Ray Observatory.Keywords. ailing observatory, orbit, gamma rays.Vocabulary. debris, thruster, gyroscope, bathe, stream from, Compton Gamma Observatory, Goddar
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-18Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit11:Space(2)
Part 2. Astronomers discover solar system.Keywords. another solar system, planets, challenge.Vocabulary. constellation, astronomy, full-fledged, Jupiter.A. Listen to a science repo
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-18Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit11:Space(1)
Step by Step 3000. Book Two.Unit 11. News 3. Space.Part 1. Warming up.A. Keywords. the Earth, planet, the Sun, difference.Vocabulary. circuit, luminous, contemptuous, celestial, gl
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-18Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit10:Health(4)
Part 4. Doctors on the Internet.Keywords. practice medicine, diagnose, prescribe, advise, patient-physician relationship.Vocabulary. dietician, clearing house, board-certified, cre
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-14Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit10:Health(3)
Part 3. Lifestyle and environmental factors versus cancers.Keywords. factors, control, cancer cases, list of causes, life style and environmental exposures, best option.Vocabulary.
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-14Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit10:Health(2)
Part 2. Hand Washing.Keywords. spread of viruses, public restrooms, infectious diseases, the correct method.Vocabulary. organism, cholera, hepatitis, infection.A. Before you listen
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-14Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit10:Health(1)
Step by Step 3000. Book Two.Unit 10. News 2. Health.Part 1. Warming up.A. Keywords. building, department.Vocabulary. outpatient, physician, roundabout, ward, administrative, dispen
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-14Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit9:Disasters(4)
Part 4. Language Study and language appreciation.Listen to the following statements you have learned in the previous and present units.Pay special attention to the parts in bold ty
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-14Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit9:Disasters(3)
Part 3. Torrential Storms in Kenya.Keywords. torrential storms, horticulture, hope, rain, growers, business orders, bad weather.Vocabulary. horticultural, shiver, pea, bean, associ
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-12Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit9:Disasters(2)
Part 2. News Items.A. Keywords. fire, oil pipeline, fuel-loading area.Vocabulary. pipeline, leak, blast, rip, depot, litter, char, blaze, vandal, Lagos.You're going to hear a p
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-12Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit9:Disasters(1)
Step by Step 3000. Book Two.Unit 9. News (1). Disasters.Part 1. Warming up.A. Keywords. earthquake, hit, killed, estimated, Richter Scale, shaken, measuring, struck, epicentered, m
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-12Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit8:Everybody can help the environment(4)
Part 4. Short talks on listening skills.Listen to the short talk entitled "The inverted Pyramid in news reporting".Some important words are taken away from the written passage, sup
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-12Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit8:Everybody can help the environment(3)
Part 3. PBS——a biodegradable plastic product.Keywords. plastic, new solution, biodegradable plastic, break down, PBS.Vocabulary. PBS, biodegradable, tableware, microorganism, enz
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-12Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit8:Everybody can help the environment(2)
Part 2. Campaign California Re-leaf.Keywords. tree planting campaign, carbon dioxide, personal actions.Vocabulary. kick off, coalition, deflate. carbon dioxide, neutral, deplete, i
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-09Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit8:Everybody can help the environment(1)
Step by Step 3000. Book Two.Unit 8. Everybody can help the environment.Part 1. Warming up.A. Keywords. organization, protect, conserve, environment, nature, campaign,movement, clim
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-09Step by Step 3000 第2册 Unit7:Leisure time(4)
Part 4. Bank holiday DIY.Keyword. DIY(Do it yourself), home improvements, simple decorating, disaster, gardening.Vocabulary. bank holiday, flock, tile, bite off more than one can c
step by step 3000第二册2016-09-09
栏目广告位二 |