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英语听力短剧:Harry's New Girlfriend 新女友



Vocabulary & Grammar
Match the words with a word below to make eight common expressions from the recording. 根据录音,将下列词组配对

there     joking     really      idea

mind     treat       course     thanks

1) Never
2) My
3) No
5) Not
6) Of
7) Only
8) Good

Fill the gaps in the sentences from the recording. Use the prepositions below. 用所给介词填空

in     with     of     to     down     for

1) I haven’t seen you .......... here before.
2) I’m waiting ........ my boyfriend.
3) That’s very kind ........ you.
4) They want to knock ......... the cafe.
5) I know somebody who works ......... the local newspaper.
6) I’m going to put a banner .......... the cafe window.
7) You make food .......... the builders, don’t you?
8) Nice ............ meet you!
9) I was looking ........... Sarah – is she here?
10) I got my Master’s Degree ............... a distinction.