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掌握一千个外语单词 Learn a thousand foreign words

Hello I’m Rob. Welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m joined today by Finn. Hi Finn.
大家好 我是Rob。欢迎来到BBC6分钟英语。今天和我一起的是Finn。你好Finn。
Hi Rob – or should I say ’ni hao’ Rob?
Your Chinese is very good Finn but I wonder how many more Chinese words you know? 1,000 perhaps?
(In Chinese: "Not really, I just know a little…")
Now you’re just showing off! Not being able to speak a foreign language is a bit of a British trait – or a particular British characteristic.We’re not very good at it although Finn is an exception, he can speak many foreign languages, can’t you?
Not that many – a bit of German, some French, Polish a little, Chinese of course, Hokkien, a bit of Japanese…
I’m impressed Finn. Well now the rest of us Brits are being encouraged to learn at least 1,000 words of another language. We’ll talk more about that soon but before I start learning my new words, how about a question Finn?
Tres bien!
Do you know which is the second most spoken language in England? Is it:a) Polish b) Urdu c) French
I think I know this one, Rob. I’m going to say a) Polish.
I’ll let you know the answer at the end of programme. So, as I mentioned, the British are generally considered to be lazy linguists – they just don’t bother to learn another language.
I guess the main reason is that when British people travel around the world they find that English is spoken almost everywhere – so they get by – they survive on using their native language.
I think, in the past, the education system was also to blame. Learning a foreign language was not compulsory – it didn’t have to be studied - when I went to school, we didn’t have to study languages to exam level – so I took the easy option and studied photography instead of French!I regret it now. But that wasn’t the same for you Finn?
At first I didn’t really like it but you know, I love words, and then one day I discovered the Chinese language and thought this was fascinating, and it’s a key to a whole new culture.
Well recently a campaign was launched for those of us who didn’t share your enthusiasm or have the opportunity to learn another language.The 1,000 Words campaign is encouraging everyone in the UK to learn at least 1,000 words of another language. It hopes to help Britain increase international trade.
The group say a vocabulary of 1,000 words would allow a speaker to hold a simple conversation. It sounds like a good idea.
Si! Let’s hear from the former England footballer and TV presenter, Gary Lineker, who is supporting the campaign.Can you hear what the three things he says learning another language gives you?
让我们听一下支持这项运动的来自前英格兰足球运动员和电视主持人 Gary Lineker是怎么说的。你能听到他说是哪三件事吗你学习另一门语言的时候?
I think it gives you self-satisfaction and self-esteem if you can speak another language when you’re travelling. I think it also gives you an edge in a lot of different areas in the workplace, not just football.
So Gary Lineker says there are three things it gives you; it gives you self-satisfaction, firstly. He means you feel good about learning a new skill. But it can have negative meaning – self-satisfaction - that you are smug or pleased with yourself. I don’t think he means that here though.
所以 Gary Lineker说它给你的三个事是首先它给你自我满足感。他的意思是学习一门新技能会让你感觉很好。但它也有负面含义--自我满足--那会让你自以为是或自我高兴。不过我不认为他有那个意思。
He also says it improves self-esteem – so you feel good about yourself and it boosts your confidence.Imagine going on holiday to Spain and being able to converse with – speak to – the locals.
It feels good! And he also mentioned the economic benefits of speaking another language; it gives you the edge in the workplace.That means it gives you an advantage, especially if you are dealing with foreign companies.
It shows politeness and respect for other people by showing you have made an effort.
It’s something another footballer, Gareth Bale, has tried to do. Last year he signed to Real Madrid so he tried to master – or to be very good at – speaking Spanish so he could talk to his fans. This is how he got on:
这是另一个足球运动员Gareth Bale已经试着做的事。去年他签约皇马所以他试着掌握或者说很擅长说西班牙语,因此他能他和他的粉丝们对话。这就是他如何做的:
(In Spanish: It is a dream to play for Real Madrid. Thank you.)
Impressive – I think he was saying it was his dream to play for Real Madrid.
Your Spanish is very impressive too Rob. For Gareth Bale, speaking Spanish will help him fit in – perhaps make him more accepted by his teammates and his fans.
Rob你的西班牙语同样令人印象深刻。对Gareth Bale来说,讲西班牙语会帮助他融入--或许让他的队友和粉丝们更容易接受他。
But Finn, I have a dilemma.There are so many languages in the world, which one should I learn first?
Maybe you should start with the UK’s second most spoken language?
Yes, the question I posed earlier was: what is Britain’s second most spoken language.
I said Polish.
And you are right. According to the 2011 census, the answer is Polish.The census also found over 104 different languages are spoken in the UK. Before we go, could you remind us of some of the English words we’ve heard today?
We heard: trait ;linguists ;native languageto get by ;compulsory ;self-esteem to converse with ;to give you the edge ;to master ;fit in
我们听到了: trait--特征 ;linguists--语言学家 ;native language--母语to get by --继续;compulsory--强制的 ;self-esteem--自尊:to converse with--和...谈话 ;to give you the edge--有优势 ;to master--知道怎样把事情做好 ;fit in--感觉你属于某种人并被他们接纳
Danke sch?n, Finn.
Bitte sch?n!
Thanks Finn. Well that’s it for this programme. Please join us soon again for 6 Minute English from BBC Learning English.