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智能机淘汰了相机?Are smartphones killing cameras?

Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I’m Neil.
And I’m Catherine. Hello!
Now, Catherine, say cheese.
Thank you, a little souvenir of our time together.
Let’s have a look… Hang on a minute. You just took a selfie, I wasn’t even in the picture.
Ah, well, that’s the magic of the smartphone, two cameras! You know, that’s not something you can do with a traditional camera. I mean, do you even have a separate camera these days?
I do actually. It’s in a cupboard somewhere at home.
Well, that is the topic of this programme. Have traditional cameras been completely replaced by smartphones?Or to put it another way, have cameras been made obsolete by the smartphone?
Interesting question. But before we get into this topic, how about a question for our listeners?
Of course. We are certainly in the digital age of photography, but when was the first digital camera phone released? Was it: a) 2000 b) 2004 or c) 2007?What do you think?
当然。我们确实处于数字化摄影时代,但是第一部数码相机手机在什么时候发行?是a) 2000年 b) 2004年 还是 c) 2007年?你觉得呢?
Well, I actually know this one, so I’m going to be fair and keep it to myself.
OK, well, listen out for the answer at the end of the programme. There are different kinds of cameras available today. There are compact cameras, which are small and mostly automatic and usually come with a fixed lens.
That’s right. And then there are SLRs and DSLRs, which are bigger, and you can change the lenses on these cameras and they allow for a lot of manual control.
And there are also mirrorless cameras, which are a cross between compact cameras and DSLRs. They are small like a compact camera, but you can also use the same lenses on them that you can use on DSLRs.
And of course, there are the cameras on smartphones, and these are convenient and they’re becoming increasingly sophisticated.
Phil Hall is the editor of Tech Radar magazine. He was asked on the BBC programme You and Yours if he thought smartphones would make other cameras obsolete. What is his opinion?
菲尔·霍尔是《科技雷达》杂志的编辑。在BBC节目You and Yours上他被问到智能机是否会淘汰其它相机。他的观点是什么?
I don’t think so. I think while compact camera sales have really sort of dropped off a cliff, it’s the lower end. It’s cheap compacts while people have opted for a smartphone. And I think manufacturers are looking at the more higher end premium cameras, high-end compacts, DSLRs, which are the ones you can attach lenses to, mirrorless cameras. So, the market’s changing. And I don’t think there’ll be a time soon, yet the smartphone will take over the camera completely.
So does Phil think smartphones will kill the camera?
In a word, no. He does say that sales of cheap compact cameras have dropped off a cliff. This rather dramatic expression describes a very big fall in sales.
This is because the kind of consumers who would choose a compact camera are now opting for the camera on their smartphone. When you opt for something, you choose it rather than something else.
For people who want a quick, easy to use and convenient way to take reasonable quality photos, compact cameras used to be the best choice. But now it’s a smartphone.
So camera makers are now moving to the more high-end market, the DSLRs and mirrorless cameras. So who is still buying these more expensive cameras? Here’s Phil Hall again.
I think it’s... some of its people who are picking up a smartphone and sort of getting into photography that way. And that’s a really great first step into photography. I think people are probably, sometimes, getting a bit frustrated with the quality. Once they sort of start pushing their creative skills and then looking to see what’s the next rung up. So it’s people wanting to broaden their creative skills a bit.
Who does he say might be buying cameras?
He says that people who are getting into photography might get frustrated with the quality of smartphones.
Getting into something means becoming very interested in it.
“Getting into something”指的是对某事变得非常有兴趣。
And if you are frustrated with something, it means you are disappointed with it. You are not happy with it.
So people who have got into photography with a smartphone but are frustrated with its limitations and want to be more creative are going to the next level. They are moving up, they are, as Phil said ’taking the next rung up’.
所以使用手机,对摄影感兴趣的人会因为它的局限性感到沮丧,想要更有创造性。他们想要到下一个等级层面。他们在提升,像菲尔说的,他们“taking the next rung up”。
Now, a rung is the horizontal step of a ladder.So the expression taking the next rung up is a way to describe doing something at a higher level.
梯级是梯子的水平阶梯。所以“taking the next rung up”这个表达是形容在更高等级层面做某事。
Now, talking of higher levels, did you get this week’s quiz question right? The question was: When was the first phone with a digital camera released? Was it 2000, 2004 or 2007? The first phone with a digital camera was released in 2000. Now, to take us up to the end of the programme, let’s look at the vocabulary again.
First we had the adjective ’obsolete’, which describes something that has been replaced and is no longer the first choice.
When the expression ’to drop off a cliff’ is used about, for example, sales numbers, it means sales have fallen significantly over a short period of time.
当“to drop off a cliff”这个表达用于,例如销量时,它指的是销量在极短的时间内大幅下跌。
To opt for something’ means to choose something. And when you become very interested in an activity, you can say that you get into it.
“To opt for something”指的是选择某事物。而且当你对一项活动非常有兴趣的时候,你可以说自己“get into it”。
If you are trying to do something and you can’t do it, because you don’t have the skill or the equipment you are using is not right or not good enough, you can become frustrated.
And developing your skills to a higher level can be described as taking the next rung up.
而且提升你的技能到更高等级层面可以形容为“taking the next rung up”。
Right, that’s all from us from us in this programme. Do join us again next time and don’t forget that in the meantime you can find us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and of course our website bbclearningenglish.com. See you soon. Goodbye.