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Five Illegal Job Interview Questions in the US

Words in this Story

candidate – n. a person who is being considered for a job, position, award, etc.

qualification – n. a special skill or type of experience or knowledge that makes someone suitable to do a particular job or activity

prospective – adj. likely to be or become something specified in the future

sexual orientation – n. the inclination of an individual with respect to heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual behavior

discriminatory – adj. unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people. The noun is discrimination.

gender – n. the state of being male or female

hire – v. to give work or a job to someone in exchange for wages or a salary; n. someone who has been hired for a job

Now it’s your turn to use these Words in this Story. In the comments section, write a sentence using one of these words and we will provide feedback on your use of vocabulary and grammar.