Pakistan, Afghanistan Work Together to Fight Drug Trafficking
palpable – adj. obvious and noticeable
proportionate to – adj. having a size, number, or amount that is directly related to or appropriate for something (sometimes: "proportional")
cultivation/cultivate – v. to grow and care for (plants)
key – adj. extremely important
sector – n. an area for which someone (such as a military commander) is responsible
tackle – v. to deal with (something difficult)
prefer(red) – v. to like (someone or something) better than someone or something else
stepping stone – n. something that helps you get or achieve something
via – preposition by going through (a particular place); by way of (a particular place)
Does your country have a drug-trafficking problem? Are drugs being grown in countries near yours and brought into or through your country? If so, is your government working with other governments to stop the flow of drugs? We want to hear from you. Write your thoughts in the comments section.
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