Iran Tries to Stop Declining Birth Rate
authorities – n. people who have power to make decisions and enforce rules and laws
sterilize – v. to make someone unable to produce children
access – n. permission or the right to enter, get near or make use of something or to have contact with someone
reproductive – adj. relating to or involved in the production of babies, young animals or new plants
contraception – n. things that are done to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant
option – n. something that can be chosen; a choice or possibility
terminate – v. to cause to end
abortion – n. a medical procedure used to end a pregnancy
fertility – n. the state or condition of being fertile; the ability to produce young
replacement level – n. the minimum number of children who must be born in order for a population to replace itself
dynamic – n. the way that two or more people behave with each other because of a particular situation
priority – n. the condition of being more important than something or someone else and therefore coming or being dealt with first
exclude – v. to prevent someone from doing something or being a part of a group
obstacle – n. something that makes it difficult to do something
Is the birthrate in your country increasing or declining? Is your country getting younger or older? We want to hear from you. Write to us in the comments section.
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