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Activists: Abuse of Workers in FIFA World Cup Cities

Words in This Story

site – n. the place or area where something is, was, or will be

stadium – n. a sports center

vulnerable – adj. easily hurt or harmed

disregard – n. the act of ignoring something or treating something as unimportant

basic – adj. the most important parts of something

impunity – n. freedom from punishment, harm or loss

stakeholder – n. a person or business that has invested money, time or reputation in something

sponsor – n. a person or organization that pays the cost of an activity or event in return for the right to advertise during the activity or event

reputation – n. public image; the common opinion that people have about someone or something

exploit – v. to use in a way that helps you unfairly

infrastructure – n. the basic equipment and structures that are needed for a country, area or operation to operate properly

venue – n. the place where an event takes place

accountable – adj. required to explain actions or decisions to someone

basically – adv. used to show that a statement is expressing the most important reason for something

tolerate – v. to allow (something that is bad or unpleasant) to exist

Do you believe FIFA should be held responsible for the conditions in which those who are building World Cup soccer stadiums and the surrounding infrastructure live and work? We want to hear from you. Write your thoughts in the comments section.