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Pope Talks to Africa About Poverty, Climate, Greed

Words in This Story

tolerance – n. willingness to accept feelings, habits, iedeas, or beliefs different from your own

adoring -- adj. to love, and or admire, very much

slum -- n. part of a city where poor people live in bad conditions

indifferent -- adj. not interested in something

injustice -- n. unfair treatment --  the rights of a person or a group of people are ignored

infrastructure -- n. the basic equipment and structures, like roads, needed for a country, and area or organization to function properly

destructive -- adj. causing a very large amount of damage or  harm

female genital mutilation -- n.  the cutting, or partial or total removal, of the external female genitalia for religious, cultural, or other non-medical reasons

catastrophic -- adj. disastrous

radicalized -- v. to cause someone to be more radical in religion or politics

chaos -- n. complete confusion and disorder

takeover -- n. when a person, people or company takes complete control of something