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Personal Technology Trends of 2015

Words in This Story

app – n. application, or computer program that performs a particular task

streaming – adj. playing continuously as data is sent to a computer over the Internet

smart – adj. controlled by computers and able to do things that seem intelligent

notification – n. something that gives official information to someone

conversation – n. an informal talk involving two people or a small group of people

battery – n. a device that is placed inside a machine (such as a clock, toy, or car) to supply it with electricity

introduce – v. to make (something) available for sale for the first time

fund – v. to provide money for (something)

autopilot - n. a device that steers a ship, aircraft, or spacecraft in place of a person

accelerate – v. to move faster : to gain speed

laptop – n. a small computer that is designed to be easily carried

stylus – n. a small tool that is used to write or touch buttons on a computer

keyboard – n. the set of keys that are used for a computer or typewriter

mobile – adj. of or relating to cellular phones, handheld computers, and similar technology.

data breach – n. the unauthorized or illegal viewing, access or retrieval of data by an individual

* Data Breach image courtesy of Mark Warner via Flickr and Creative Commons