Cameron Calls for Female Immigrants to Learn English
deported - v. expelled from a country
radicalized - v. causing someone to become more extreme
therefore - adv. for that reason
thereby - adv. because of those words or that action
isolated – adj. separate from others
single out – v. to treat or to speak about (someone or something in a group) in a way that is different from the way you treat or speak about others
integrated – adj. allowing all types of people to participate or be included; not segregated
susceptible – adj. easily affected, influenced, or harmed by something (often + to)
approach – n. a way of dealing with something; a way of doing or thinking about something; the act of speaking to someone for some purpose (such as to ask a question or make a request)
stigmatize – v. to describe or regard (something, such as a characteristic or group of people) in a way that shows strong disapproval
denigrate – v. to say very critical and often unfair things about (someone)
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