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Students Learn Hands-on With Animals

Words in This Story

tortoise –n. a turtle that lives on the land

firsthand –adj. coming directly from seeing or experiencing something

rabbit –n. a small animal that usually lived in holes in the ground, with soft fur and long ears

temperamental –adj. likely to become upset or angry

miniature – adj. very small

leash –n. long thin piece of rope or chain used to hold an animal

salamander -n. a tailed amphibian, which have a soft, moist, scaleless skin

hedgehog -n.  a mammal with spiny hairs on the back and sides

veterinary technician –n. a person who helps a veterinarian, an animal doctor

exotic –adj. very different, strange or unusual

nocturnal – adj. something active at night

marsupial –n. a kind of animal, like a kangaroo, that carries its babies in a pocket of skin on the mother’s stomach

scorpion –n. a small animal related to spiders, with two front claws and a curved tail with poison in the end

hand taming – n. training animals to obey people

chinchilla - n. a small South American animal that has soft gray fur

albino –adj. lacking pigment, white

urban –adj. relating to cities and people who live in them