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Peru and Machu Picchu: The Trip of a Lifetime

Words in This Story

Inca – n. a member of a South American native people living in the central Andes before the Spanish conquest

civilization – n. a particular well-organized and developed society

mysterious – adj. strange, unknown, or difficult to understand

foodie – n. someone who is interested in food and restaurants

monastery – n. a place where monks live and work together

catacombs – n. an underground place where people are buried

altitude sickness – n. illness caused by ascent to a high elevation and the resulting shortage of oxygen, characterized chiefly by difficulty breathing, nausea, tiredness

cobblestone – n. a round stone that is used in paving streets

archaeological – adj. related to the science that deals with past human life and activities by studying the bones, tools, etc., of ancient people

fortification – n. a structure (such as a wall or tower) that is built to protect a place

conqueror – n. someone who takes control of (a country, city, etc.) through the use of force

terrace – n. a flat area created on the side of a hill and used especially for growing crops

steep – adj. going up or down very quickly

mortar – n. a wet substance that is spread between bricks or stones and that holds them together when it hardens

citadel – n. a castle or fort that in past times was used to protect the people of a city if the city was attacked