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Beach Boys' 'Pet Sounds' Released 50 Years Ago Today

Words in This Story

album – n. a long musical recording on a record, CD, etc., that usually includes a set of songs

lyric – n. the words of a song

melody – n. a pleasing series of musical notes that form the main part of a song or piece of music

genius – n. a very smart or talented person : a person who has a level of talent or intelligence that is very rare or remarkable

surfing – n. the activity or sport of riding ocean waves on a special board (called a surfboard)

vibrations – n. (informal) a feeling that someone or something gives you

introspection – n. the process of examining your own thoughts or feelings

sloop – n. a small sailboat with one mast

blonde – adj. of a yellow or very light brown color

obsessed – v. to be the only person or thing that someone thinks or talks about