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200 Families Feared Buried in Sri Lanka Landslides

More than 200 families are reported missing in central Sri Lanka after landslides.

Havy rains caused the slides which buried three farming villages near the town of Aranayaka in Kegalle district. The Sri Lankan Red Cross said rescuers had found 180 people so far. It also said 14 bodies were recovered.
大雨侵袭首都科伦坡东北方凯格勒山区的阿拉纳亚卡市 (Aranayaka),发生泥石流,造成附近三个村落被掩埋。斯里兰卡红十字会表示救援人员目前已发现180名幸存者,还找到14具尸体。

Local civilians joined police and hundreds of soldiers in digging through the mud with their hands, sticks and shovels to search for survivors. Officials halted the operation when night came. The search and rescue effort is to re-start in the morning.

Continuing rain, heavy fog and electrical outages in the area interfered with the search work. Officials warned that the rain could cause additional landslides.

The Red Cross said that some people listed as missing may have left the area earlier after warnings of possible landslides.

One woman, 70-year-old A.G. Alice from the village of Siripura, said she did not know where any of her nine children are.

In the same village, a man said four members of his family were in the same house when the landslide hit. He said he cannot find any.

A government official said hundreds of people escaped the disaster. The official said they are being treated for minor injuries.

Villagers said they began hearing and seeing the huge piles of mud and debris crash around their homes Tuesday afternoon.

“I heard a huge sound like a plane crashing into the earth,” said 52-year-old A.G. Kamala. She had just returned to her home in Siripura village. “I opened my door. I could not believe my eyes, as I saw something like a huge fireball rolling down the mountain and again a huge sound.”
“我听到一声巨响,就像是一颗行星撞击地球那样的响声。”52岁的 A.G.卡马拉说,她当时刚回到位于席利波拉的家,“我打开房门,我不敢相信自己的眼睛,我看到像一个巨大火球的物体从山上滚下来,接着就又是一声巨响。”

The rain has caused flooding in areas across Sri Lanka, including the country’s capital Colombo. Officials said about 135,000 Sri Lankans had to flee their homes and are now in temporary shelters.

Sri Lanka’s Disaster Management Center said lightning strikes and smaller landslides also killed at least 11 people over the past few days.

I’m Bryan Lynn.