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More Than a Place, Silicon Valley Is a Culture(翻译)

Monisha Perkash and her parents moved to the United States from Nepal.

She never imagined that one day she would be heading a company in California’s Silicon Valley.In fact, she once had plans to become a doctor.

Perkash is the chief executive officer of a new business, or start-up company, called Lumo Bodytech.It creates sensors people can wear while running, walking or working.These wearable sensors can judge a person’s posture and help prevent back pain or other injuries.
普拉卡什是一家新企业的首席执行官,公司名为Lumo Bodytech。公司研发人们在跑步、走路或工作时可佩戴的感应器。这些可佩带感应器能够判断人的姿势,有助于预防背痛或其它疼痛。

Silicon Valley stretches from San Francisco to San Jose in northern California. The area is home to many technology companies, such as Apple, Google and Facebook.

Yahoo, which recently made news for being sold to Verizon Communications, started at a small office building in Silicon Valley.

Perkash remembers her father once tried to find the area on a map.She says he called her and said “I can’t find the Silicon Valley anywhere!”

But Perkash says the Silicon Valley community is not just a location, it is also an attitude and a culture.

People who are interested in creating technology businesses move to the area.Once they are there, they find a culture that helps businesses find success.

People work together to help businesses grow.

Perkash says she and her partners started Lumo Bodytech so they could use technology to help improve people’s lives.Their system is called Lumo Life. One of the wearable sensors, called Lumo Lift, will shake when the user is slouching in a chair. Another sensor can be used to give runners feedback and send the information to a software program for mobile phones.
普拉卡什表示,她和同事打造了Lumo Bodytech,他们可以通过科技来改善人们的生活。他们的体系称之Lumo Life。Lumo Lift(身姿矫正器)是其中的一款可佩带感应器,用户没精打采地坐在椅子上时,它会震动提醒。另一款感应器会对跑步者做出反馈,将反馈信息发在手机的软件上。

Andrew Chang is one of the start-up company’s founders, with Perkash and Charles Wang. Chang says a start-up’s small size helps it when making decisions and providing products.

“You can’t even compare the speed that you move at, the speed at which you make decisions … and so on,because there is a lot less bureaucracy.”

However, Wang says that fast-paced environment can also create problems. You have to learn quickly and respond to challenges every day.

“I’ve learned so many different things in the role that I’ve had here.”

Perkash says her business is proving to be a success.But what about her plan to be a doctor?

It seems her parents are happy as long as she’s successful.

“I want to make them proud and I want them to know that by giving us this opportunity to pursue anything we want, pursue our dreams,that I’m carrying that on.So in a lot of ways, it’s honoring them that I do what I do.”

I’m Dan Friedell.