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What Is Causing Airline Computers to Shut Down?

Words in This Story

disrupt – v. to interrupt by causing a disturbance

switch – v.

router – n. a device that forwards data to the proper parts of a computer network

monitor – v. to watch, observe, listen to, or check (something) for a special purpose over a period of time​

significant – adj. large enough to be noticed or have an effect​

schedule – n. a list of the times when buses, trains, airplanes, etc., leave or arrive​

personnel – n. the people who work for a particular company or organization​

analyst – n. a person who studies​ something; an expert

afford – v. to be able to do (something) without having problems or being seriously harmed​

adjunct – adj. added to a teaching staff for only a short time or in a lower position than other staff​

regularly – adv. at the same time every day, week, month, etc. : on a regular basis​

reliable – adj. able to be trusted to do or provide what is needed : able to be relied on​

malware – n. software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems

determine – v. to officially decide (something) especially because of evidence or facts : to establish (something) exactly or with authority​

transition – n. a change from one state or condition to another​

accommodate – n. to provide what is needed or wanted for (someone or something)