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Getting African Movies Into African Theaters Proves Difficult(翻译)

Nashville, Tennessee is known as "Music City" in the United States. But on the west coast, some people might argue Silicon Valley is just as worthy of the name.

The valley is home to sound and music technology companies like Dolby Laboratories, Pandora and Smule.

And there is Real Industry, a non-profit organization to help techies get into the music industry. Priya Shekar is program director at the non-profit. She said, "Music technology is applications of STEM subjects like electrical engineering and computer science to music and audio applications."
这里还有Real Industry,这是一家帮助技术人员进入音乐产业的非营利性组织。普里娅 ·谢卡尔(Priya Shekar)是这家非营利性组织的项目经理。她说,“音乐产业是电气工程、计算机科学等STEM学科进入音乐和音频应用程序的立身之地。”

"That could be everything from designing new music apps, all the way to designing filters and effects that are used in audio production, to designing new instruments," she added.

Through a series of workshops and online classes, Real Industry connects tech students, recent graduates and professionals with mentors in the music and entertainment industries.
通过一系列的培训班和在线课程,Real Industry将理工科学生、应届毕业生以及专业技术人员同音乐和娱乐行业的导师们联系到了一起。

The mentors come from companies like Sol Republic, Turtle Bay and Sonos. The students learn about the companies and their products.
这些导师来自Sol Republic、Turtle Bay以及Sonos等公司。学生们了解了这些公司及其产品。

More than 6,000 students from around the world have taken part in the online courses, and more than 200 have attended workshops in California.

Real Industry has also partnered with universities like Stanford in California as well as New York University and the University of Michigan. The schools hold classes like "Careers in Media Technology" on campus.
Real Industry 还同加州斯坦福大学以及纽约大学和密歇根大学等大学合作。这些学校在校园里开办了“媒体技术职业领域”之类的课程。

"I think a lot of jobs and responsibilities and careers go unexposed; they kind of stay behind the scenes of these companies," said Shekar.

She is an electrical engineer with experience creating music education applications. "Having exposure lets [students] bring context to what they're learning in school and all their other classes, but also helps them prepare for life after school."

For industry leaders, the experience provides invaluable information.

"Industry folks are learning about what the next generation is learning, being able to tap into all of that fresh innovation and all these fresh ideas from these young kids who are users of products and fans of their products," Shekar noted.

For Shekar, who is from New Zealand, the experience is not unlike her move to Silicon Valley. "It's about knowing where to take that first step. A lot of people just don't even know where to start."

For music technologists hoping to break into the business, the answer might just be Silicon Valley.