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Fine Feared Too Small for Dead Fish Damage in Vietnam(翻译)

Observers and activists in Vietnam are concerned about a fine against a foreign-owned steel factory for polluting ocean waters along the coast.

The observers and activists say the record pollution fine would not pay all victims of the environmental disaster.

They also say it does not send a strong enough warning to other export manufacturers.

The steel factory, Formosa Ha Tinh, was accused of letting toxic waste pollute the ocean in April.The pollution caused 80 tons of fish to wash up on coastal beaches.
4月份时,钢铁厂 Formosa Ha Tinh被指控向海洋中排放有毒废弃物。这些污染物造成80吨鱼类被冲刷至海滩上。

In June, the government fined the Taiwanese-financed steel plant $500 million for fish deaths along 200 kilometers of a coastline southeast of Hanoi.That is believed to be the largest fine ever against a company in Vietnam.

The plant apologized and agreed to clean up the wastewater system.But people familiar with the issue say the fine cannot cover the continued losses to fishermen, seaside businesses and local people.Some have developed skin diseases from touching the water.The sale of seafood has slowed throughout Vietnam.That has hurt the fishing industry.

Citizens hope Vietnamese officials will test the ocean water to make sure it is safe.

How involved the Vietnamese government gets in the fish death case will send a message to foreign investors.Some people think the government went easy on Formosa Ha Tinh to protect the company’s $10 billion investment in Vietnam.

Foreigners have built export-manufacturing factories in the country to save on costs.Those plants helped to expand Vietnam’s economy by 30 percent over the past five years to $193 billion in 2015.

Le Cong Dinh is a lawyer at a law office in Ho Chi Minh City.He said the government will use the fish kill fine as an alert to all doing business in Vietnam.“We want them to comply with the laws, and satisfy the condition of the environment,” he added.
Le Cong Dinh是胡志明市一家律师事务所的法律顾问。他表示政府希望通过鱼类死亡罚款警告越南所有的商业公司。“我们希望他们能够遵守法律规定,并满足环境条件的要求。”

Environment Minister Tran Hong Ha told local media in June the fine covers only direct material damages.The money does not cover psychological losses to fishermen, who suffered a drop in earnings.He called the fine “too small.”
6月份,环境部长Tran Hong Ha接受本地媒体访问时表示罚金只能支付一些被损坏的物品。不包括对收入降低的渔民带来的心理损失。他说罚金“太少”。

Vietnamese living in Taiwan protested last week.They called for the steel plant’s investor -- Formosa Plastics Corporation -- to leave Vietnam.

Vietnamese officials say the fish deaths affected about five million people.

Some have not recovered, said Duc Truong, an independent reporter and member of the non-governmental organization Brotherhood for Democracy.
还有一些人不包括在内,非政府组织民主兄弟会(Brotherhood for Democracy)成员兼独立记者Duc Truong说道。

Fishers in the oceans near the plant are catching less fish than a year ago.Fish sauce producers are suspected of using the dead fish illegally, Duc and other activists said.
渔民在工厂附近海域捕捉到的鱼类数量比一年前少。Duc 以及其他活动家表示,怀疑鱼露生产商用死鱼进行非法生产。

An activist said environmental experts should test the water quality of the once-polluted seas.Tran Bang is an engineer and activist in Ho Chi Minh City. He said an independent report showed high levels of six chemicals.But officials in the coastal city of Da Nang told local media in April that its waters were already safe for swimming.
一名活动家表示,环境专家应当对污染过的水域进行水质检查。Tran Bang是胡志明市的工程师兼活动分子。他表示,独立报道显示水中6种化学物质的含量较高。但海滨城市岘港的官员4月份接受当地媒体采访时表示,海水已经足够安全,可以游泳。

I’m Anne Ball.
Anne Ball为您报道。