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Hacking the U.S. Election 'Possible' But Difficult, Experts Say

Words in This Story

rigged - v. having fixed something for a desired result; to control, usually through dishonest methods

sophisticated - adj. having or showing a lot of knowledge or experience about the world; highly developed

tampering - v. to interfere with so as to weaken or change for the worse

random - n. without aim, direction or rule

irregularities - n. things that are not usual, often a sign of dishonest behavior

audits - n. complete and careful examinations of official records

jurisdictions - n. areas where a system of laws is used

determined - v. found to be the cause of or reason for something; to lean or find out

specific - adj. special; clearly and exactly presented

eliminate - v. to remove; to defeat and remove

linger - v. to stay somewhere after the usual or expected time; to continue to exist as time passes

designating - v. to officially choose someone or something; to be used as a name for something

poll - adj. of or related to a study of public opinion