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Clinton Cancels Campaign Trip Because of Sickness

The Democratic Party presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, has cancelled a campaign trip to California because of sickness.
民主党总统候选人希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)因病取消了加州竞选之旅。

A spokesman made the announcement Sunday. Earlier that day, Clinton left early from a ceremony in New York marking the 15th anniversary of the September 11 terror attack.

A video shows her stumble before guards help her into her vehicle.

Clinton's doctor said she had become overheated and dehydrated at the event. He said she is recovering well.

Her campaign said the doctor had examined her on Friday and reported she had pneumonia. The diagnosis was not made public until Sunday.

She was treated with antibiotics, advised to cut back on her appearances and to get rest.

Clinton's now-canceled trip to California was to include money-raising events and a speech about the economy.

Trump reacts

The Republican Party candidate Donald Trump told Fox News he hopes Clinton gets well soon.
共和党总统候选人唐纳德·川普(Donald Trump)对福克斯新闻表示,他希望克林顿尽快康复。

"I hope she gets well and gets back on the trail and we'll be seeing her in the debate," Trump said. The two candidates are to hold their first direct debate on September 26.

Trump also said he plans to release the results of a physical examination he had last week. He said it would include, in his words, "very, very specific numbers."

Neither candidate has released extensive health records, although Clinton has provided more information than Trump.

Trump has suggested that Clinton lacks the energy to serve as president. Some Trump supporters have suggested Clinton is in poor health as a result of a concussion she suffered in a fall in 2012. However, they have not provided any evidence to support the claim.

Trump released a letter from a doctor last year. It stated that Trump would be "the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."

But that doctor later said he wrote the letter in five minutes while a Trump campaign vehicle waited nearby.

Hillary Clinton is 68 years old. Donald Trump is 70.