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Gold Toilet Revealed at NYC Museum(翻译)

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If you have ever wanted to use a toilet made of pure gold, now is your chance.

New York’s famous Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum has set up a working, 18-carat gold toilet in one of its washrooms. The device, like a piece of art, even has a name. It is called “America."

Museum visitors are invited to use the golden toilet, when the need arises. The toilet is the creation of Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan. He reportedly stated that his artwork is about economic inequality.
来艺术馆参观的游客如果有需要可以使用这个金子做的马桶。这个马桶是意大利艺术家Maurizio Cattelan的作品。他表示这件艺术寓指经济失调。

The Guggenheim museum said the toilet is a "a bold, irreverent work ... ultimately reminding us of the inescapable physical realities of our shared humanity.” It added that the point of the bright, shiny object is to make “available to the public an extravagant luxury product seemingly intended for the 1 percent,”or the wealthiest people.

A reporter for The New York Times was able to try out the golden toilet before it was opened to the public on Friday. The reporter said it “looks best when in use, sparkling so much it’s almost too bright to look at.”

The newspaper reported that the arrival of the golden toilet was delayed because it was difficult to set up in the Guggenheim. Private donors provided money for the project. The toilet’s value has yet to be made public.

This is not the first time a washroom fixture has been used as a work of art.

In 1917, French-American artist Marcel Duchamp called a urinal connected to the wall a “Fountain.” The work led to protests in the art community.
1917年,法裔美国艺术家Marcel Duchamp将一个安装在墙上的小便池称作是喷泉。该艺术品引起了艺术界的争议。

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