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Republicans Have Gained Stength in State Legislatures and Governorships

Words in This Story

legislator – n. a person who makes laws; a member of a legislature

chamber – n. a group of people who form part of a government

outspent – v. to spend more money than someone or something

outworked – v. to work harder or better than

foster – v. to help (something) grow or develop

specific – adj. special; clearly and exactly stated

decade – n. a period of ten years

Here are some other facts about Republican control of state legislatures and governorships:

*Since 1900, an average of 12 legislative chambers have passed from one party to the other every two years.

*In the 2012 elections, the Democratic Party took back control of eight chambers, but lost five to the Republicans. Two years later, the Republicans took control of 11 more chambers from the Democrats. And Republicans won a majority of seats in the West Virginia house and senate for the first time in 83 years!

*Democrats controlled both the house and senate in 27 states as recently as 2010.

*Thirty years ago, almost every House district in the Deep South was represented by white Democrats. Now, none are.

*For the first time since 2008, Republicans have more support in public opinion surveys in more states -- 20 -- than Democrats, who lead in 14. In 2008, Democrats had a majority of support in 35 states and Republicans had a majority in just five states.