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Trump's Numbers Falling After Video Fallout

Words in This Story

better off - adj. in a better position

locker room - n. a room in a school, sports stadium, etc., for changing clothes and for storing clothes and equipment in lockers

informally - adv. relaxed in tone: not suited for serious or official speech and writing

nasty - adj.​ unpleasant and unkind​

rude - adj. relating to sex or other body functions in a way that offends others

poll - n. study of voters opinions

trail - v. to be behind in a race or competition​

shackles - n. one of two rings or bands that are placed around a person's wrists or ankles and that are connected by a chain; (figuratively) something that prevents people from acting freely ​

repugnant - adj. causing a strong feeling of dislike or disgust

turned off - phrasal verb. to start to dislike something or someone

remarks - n. comments

conscience - n. the part of the mind that makes you aware of your actions as being either morally right or wrong

assault - n.​ the crime of trying or threatening to hurt someone physically​

hoax - n. an act that is meant to trick or deceive people​