Female Genital Mutilation Continues in Somali-American Community
external - adj. located, seen, or used on the outside or surface of something
procedure - n. a medical treatment or operation
anesthesia - n. loss of feeling in a person's body or part of the body through the use of drugs
pee - v. to release urine from the body
pelvic - adj. relating to or located in or near the pelvis
principle - n. a moral rule or belief that helps you know what is right and wrong and that influences your actions
menstrual - adj. of or relating to menstruation : of or relating to the flow of blood that comes from a woman's body each month
cramp - n. a sudden painful tightening of muscle in a part of the body
elastic - adj. able to return to an original shape or size after being stretched, squeezed, etc.
stitch - n. a piece of thread that is passed through a piece of material with a needle
femininity - n. of, relating to, or suited to women or girls
modesty - n. the quality of behaving and especially dressing in ways that do not attract sexual attention
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