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Minnesota Elects First Female Somali American Lawmaker

History was made this week when a 34-year-old former refugee was elected to the Minnesota state legislature.

The woman, Ilhan Omar, will become the country's first Somali-American lawmaker.
伊尔汉·奥马尔(Ilhan Omar)这位女性将成为美国首位索马里裔议员。

Omar was the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party candidate for the legislature in Minnesota's 60th district. She easily defeated her Republican opponent on Tuesday.

Omar told supporters Tuesday night that her victory means a lot. "My success is not only for me but for every Somali, Muslim and minority, particularly the young girls in the Dadaab refugee camp where I lived before coming to the U.S.," she said.

From Refugee to Representative

As a girl, Omar fled her home in Somalia because of the country's civil war. She spent four years at the Dadaab Camp in Kenya, before moving to the United States with her family. She was 12 years old at the time.

Her family first began their new life in Arlington, Virginia, and then settled in their current home in Minneapolis.

Omar began her career as a community activist. She is currently director of policy at the Women Organizing Women Network. The group works with immigrant women, helping them become engaged citizens and community leaders.
奥马尔以社会活动家的身份开始了她的职业生涯。她是Women Organizing Women Network的现任政策主任。该组织与移民女性合作,帮助她们成为活跃公民和社区领袖。

Concerns about Trump

Minnesota is home to the largest population of Somali refugees and immigrants in the United States. Many Somalis who spoke to VOA before the election said they were supporting Hillary Clinton for president because they felt that Donald Trump was anti-Somali.

Earlier, Trump has said there are problems in Minnesota caused by poor vetting of refugees. He said there were large numbers of Somali refugees entering the state, and that this was unknown to state officials. He also said that some of the refugees had joined the Islamic State group. He accused them of spreading their extremist ideas "all over our country and all over the world."

Asha Ahmed, a Somali American, said "We are shocked that Trump is president, but we got relief that Ilhan will be representing us at our state House of Representatives. For me, America is my country, it is where my future and dreams always depended on and the only home for my children... [Omar's] success means a lot to me and my family, three children and a husband."
索马里裔美国人Asha Ahmed表示,“我们很惊讶川普当上了总统,但是我们松了口气,因为奥马尔将在我们这个州的众议院代表我们说话。对我来说,美国是我的国家,它是我未来和梦想的依托,也是我孩子唯一的家园。奥马尔的成功对我以及包括我3个孩子和我老公在内的家人来说意味着很多。”

Jibril Mohamed, a lecturer at Ohio State University, expressed satisfaction at Omar's election to the Minnesota state legislature.
俄亥俄州立大学讲师Jibril Mohamed对奥马尔当选明尼苏达州议员表示满意。

"It is like an anti-pain relief for the Somalis, who voted against Trump because of Trump's anti-Somali rhetoric that continued even to the last days of the election campaign," he said.

Ahmed Hirsi, Omar's husband, told VOA that the campaign was a long struggle for his family to witness this day.
奥马尔的丈夫艾哈迈德·希尔斯(Ahmed Hirsi)对美国之音表示,为了见证今天,他的家人经历了一场漫长的斗争。

"It is a big historic day for us and Ilhan, a symbol and role model for many Somali refugee girls. It is a success that came through hard work and the support of our Minnesota people," he said.