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Risks and Rewards at Zion National Park

Words in This Story

steep - adj. almost straight up and down

cliff - n. a high, steep surface of rock, earth, or ice

landscape ​- n. ​an area of land that has a particular quality or appearance​

spectacular - adj.​ causing wonder and admiration : very impressive​

gorge ​- n. ​a deep, narrow area between hills or mountains​

dramatic - adj. ​attracting attention​

heaven ​- n. ​the place where God lives and where good people go after they die according to some religions​

diversity ​- n. ​the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc​

labyrinth ​- n. the quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc​

remarkable - adj.​ unusual or surprising : likely to be noticed​

ornate - adj.​ covered with fancy patterns and shapes

waist ​- n. ​the middle part of your body between the hips and chest or upper back that is usually narrower than the areas above and below it