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Glacier Bay: A Land Reborn

Words in This Story

bay – n. a large area of water that is part of an ocean or lake and partly surrounded by land

compact – adj. closely or firmly packed or joined together

fjord - n. a narrow part of the ocean between cliffs or steep hills or mountains

glacier – n. a very large area of ice that moves slowly down a slope or valley or over a wide area of land

inspiring – adj. causing people to want to do or create something or to lead better lives

jagged – adj. causing people to want to do or create something or to lead better lives

kayak – n. a long narrow boat that is pointed at both ends and that is moved by a paddle with two blade

naturalist – n. a person who studies plants and animals as they live in nature

retreat – v. the act or process of moving away

species – n. a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants

unique – adj. something or someone is unlike anything or anyone else

vegetation – n. plants in general