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Virgin Islands National Park: America's Paradise

Words in This Story

tropical – n. a place of warm climate and many plants and forests

paradise – n. a very beautiful, pleasant, or peaceful place that seems to be perfect

canoes – n. long narrow boats that are pointed at both ends and that is moved by a paddle with one blade

petroglyphs - n. a rock carving, especially a prehistoric one

indentured - adj. required by a contract to work for a certain period of time

servant – n. one that performs duties about the person or home of a master or personal employer

conservationist – n. someone who works to protect animals, plants, and natural resources

philanthropist – n. a wealthy person who gives money and time to help make life better for other people

resort – n. a place where people go for vacations

coral reefs – n. long lines of coral that lie in warm, shallow water

marine – adj. of or relating to the sea or the plants and animals that live in the sea

shoreland – n. The land at the shore of a lake, sea or other body of water

cruise – n. a journey on a boat or ship to a number of places as a vacation

villas – n. houses to rent and live in when on vacation

tent – n. a portable shelter that is used outdoors, is made of cloth and is held up with poles and ropes

scuba diving – n. a sport or activity in which you swim underwater using an air tank and a special breathing machine that you attach to your body

snorkeling – n. swimming underwater while using a special tube so you can breathe

windmill – n. a structure that has parts which are turned around by the wind and that is used to produce power

grind – v. to crush or break (something) into very small pieces

plantation – n. a large area of land especially in a hot part of the world where crops (such as cotton) are grown

exotic – adj. very different, strange, or unusual

species – n. a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants

extinct – adj. no longer existing

Have you been to a tropical paradise? Let us know! Write to us in the Comments Section.