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This Robotic Device Is Small Enough to Operate on the Human Eye(翻译)

A newly-built machine uses extremely small instruments to perform eye operations.

The machine is reported to make fewer mistakes than doctors.

Robots are already used to perform some relatively simple operations like a hysterectomy, when a doctor removes a woman’s uterus. But operating on the eye is more difficult than those kinds of surgeries.

A cataract is a condition that many people develop as they get older. It makes the lens of the eye appear cloudy, making it more difficult for the patient to see. Doctors can remove cataracts through surgery.

One of the difficult parts of that surgery is getting close to the lens. The doctor has to work very carefully next to the capsule of the lens, without breaking it.

That is where Axsis technology comes in.

Axsis is one of the smallest robots for surgical use. It is the size of a soft drink can. The robot is equipped with instruments measuring only 1.8 millimeters in length.
Axis是用于外科手术最小的机器人之一。它的大小就是一个软饮料罐的大小。 机器人配备的仪器长度只有1.8毫米。

A company called Cambridge Consultants developed the Axsis system. Chris Wagner is its head of advanced surgical systems. He says Axsis could help patients in need of corrective eye surgery.
一家名为英国剑桥咨询(Cambridge Consultants)的公司开发了Axis系统。克里斯·瓦格纳(译音)是此先进外科系统的主管。他说,Axsis可以帮助需要做眼部矫正手术的患者。

Wagner says the company’s robotics product can help with this “extremely sensitive part of the operation” of getting close to the lens without breaking it. He says with robotics, and guidance and imaging during the operation, one can see where the robot is, and see where the lens is, along with other important body parts.
瓦格纳说,该公司的机器人产品可以帮助“操作极其敏感的部分”即接近晶状体,而不会使其破裂。他表示,在手术当中,通过遥控技术、专业指导以及晶体成像,人们可以看到机器人的位置, 看到晶状体的位置,以及其他重要的身体部位。

All of the machine’s operating parts are inside the device, he says. This is different from traditional surgical robots that operate on a long straight instrument.

Wagner says the joints have been moved inside, “so no arm is swinging around… and no arm motion has to conflict with another robot arm.”

Critics say cataract surgery is not very difficult, and the new machine may not be needed. But Wagner believes it shows that such small robotic devices could be used in many other ways.

“I think the fact that it’s a 1.8 millimeter diameter robot that’s operating on the size scale of the eye is exciting. This just opens the door to a number of different types of procedures that you can do that previously weren’t possible.”

That means the device could be used for treatments that require more attention to detail than human hands can provide.

I’m Anne Ball.