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World’s Most Powerful Drug Trafficker Awaits Trial In New York

United States officials are preparing to try a Mexican man who has been called the world’s most powerful drug trafficker.

Joaquin Archivaldo Guzman Loera, better known as "El Chapo," will be tried in New York City.
华金·库兹曼——他的绰号“矮子(El Chapo)”更加有名,将在纽约接受审判。

Guzman is the head of Mexico’s Sinaloa drug cartel.Mexican officials have jailed him not once, but twice, at maximum security prisons.But he escaped both times.

Last month, Mexico sent Guzman to New York,one of several American states in which he faces criminal charges.

Robert Capers is the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.He says Guzman is responsible for much of the drug cocaine sold in the state.
罗伯特·卡波斯是美国纽约东区检察总长。 他表示,纽约大部分可卡因的销售都应归咎于库兹曼。

The continuing criminal enterprise charges that I will describe for youby itself attributes to Mr. Guzman cocaine shipments of over 200 tons,which were supplied by some of Colombia’s most powerful drug-trafficking organizations,and links Guzman to over seven and a half tons of cocaine and heroin that were seized in the United States,including four tons that were seized right here in this district.
“我将向你陈述接下来的犯罪集团指控,库兹曼操纵犯罪集团运输了200多吨可卡因, 这些可卡因由哥伦比亚最大的贩毒集团提供,这让库兹曼与在美国查获的7.5吨多可卡因和海洛因联系了起来,其中包括在本区查获的4吨毒品。”

Paul Callan is a former prosecutor who represented the government in murder cases.He believes the Department of Justice chose to prosecute Guzman in New Yorkbecause it has a very strong case against him.

New York is also well-accustomed to trying high-notoriety defendants.We have very secure courtroom facilities.We have secure jail facilities,and New York is used to handling the press and the kind of coverage that takes place in these high-profile cases.

After he was told the charges against him in a U.S. federal court,Guzman was sent to the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) near New York’s financial area.

The MCC is a high-security jail.It has held a number of notable criminals, including people who claim to belong to al-Qaida.

Selwyn Rabb worked as an investigative journalist at The New York Times newspaper.He has visited the MCC many times during his career as a reporter.

He’s going to be monitored 24 hours a day.He’s not going to be able to go to the bathroom or take a showeror do anything without some eyes poking at him.
“库兹曼24小时都会处于监控之中。无论是上洗手间、洗澡 还是做任何事,都会有人看着他。”

Experts consider the MCC to be one of the most secure jails in the United States.Few people have escaped from the 12-floor tall building since it opened 42 years ago.

New Yorkers have mixed feelings about having Guzman jailed there.

Jean Young works in Lower Manhattan, near the MCC.

Thank God that the federal building has a lot of checkpoints.And I know the street goes up at one point, and they go under the cars with mirrors,but I mean it’s the cartel -- if they want to get here, they’ll get here.

Many people work or live near the prison, in New York’s TriBeCa neighborhood.Luke Valente says he likes the area.

I have a lot of faith in the professionals that are working here and in the U.S. in general.I think considering what he’s done in the past, in places outside the U.S. as far as being in custody,I feel that much more safe and confident that they’ll be able to see his sentence through.

I’m Bryan Lynn.