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Flight Attendants Train to Watch for Human Trafficking

Words in This Story

bruise – n. a dark and painful area on your skin that is caused by an injury

dress – v. to put clothes on yourself

collaborate – v. to work with another person or group in order to achieve or do something

indicator – n. a sign that shows the condition or existence of something

tattoo – n. a picture, word, etc., that is drawn on a person's skin by using a needle and ink

pornography – n. movies, pictures, magazines, etc., that show or describe naked people

vulnerable – adj. easily hurt or harmed physically, mentally, or emotionally

app – n. a computer program that performs a special function

GPS location – n. The technology can pinpoint longitude, latitude, ground speed, and course direction of the target somewhere in the world

awareness – n. knowledge and awareness of your own personality, character, or surroundings