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'Fearless Girl' Statue Appears on Wall Street


‘Fearless Girl’ Statue Appears on Wall Street2017-03-107092
 ‘Fearless Girl’ Statue Appears on Wall Street

 中英对照  英语原文
This is What’s Trending Today.以下是今日新鲜事。
People in the United States marked International Women’s Day in different ways.美国人以各种不同的方式度过国际妇女节。
Some went on strike and stayed home from work.一些人举行罢工,待在家里。
Others wore the color red.其他人则穿着红色的衣服。
One investment group in New York City, however, celebrated in a different way. 然而,纽约市的一家投资机构则以一种不同的方式庆祝妇女节。
It put up a symbolic statue on Wall Street, the city’s financial center.他们在城市的金融中心——华尔街上树立了一座象征性的雕像。
The statue is of a small, young girl.这个雕像雕刻的是一个年轻的小女孩。
She is standing in a strong, confident, and defiant way.她以一种坚强、自信又无畏的态度站在那里。
Her hands are on her hips.她双手叉腰。
And, she is standing just across from a huge and well-known statue of a bull.她就站在一座巨大的、非常有名的公牛雕像对面。
The work of art is called “The Fearless Girl.”这件艺术品名叫“无畏的女孩”。
The group State Street Global Advisors put up the statue.道富环球投资管理公司将雕像树立在那里。
Anne McNally is with the group.安妮·麦克纳利在该公司工作。
She told Reuters news agency that “The Fearless Girl” helps bring attention to the small number of women in high positions on Wall Street, 她告诉路透社,雕像“无畏的女孩”帮助人们唤起对华尔街位居高职的一小部分女性,
as well as the lower wages that women working in finance receive.以及在金融行业工作的女性们低收入的关注。
The group wants that to change, she says.这家公司想要改变这种现状,她说。
“A lot of people talk about gender diversity, but we really felt we had to take it to a broader level,” she said.“很多人谈论性别多样性,但我们真的认为需要将其引申到一个更宽泛的层面,”她说。
Under the new statue are the words, “Know the power of women in leadership.雕像下面写着这样的话语:“了解女性领导的力量。
She makes a difference.”她能创造不同。”
Artist Kristen Visbal created “The Fearless Girl.”艺术家克里斯汀·维斯宝尔建造了“无畏的女孩”。
It was put up very early Tuesday.周二一大早这座雕像就被树立起来。
Many people were surprised to see it the next morning.很多人早上看到它感到非常惊讶。
Tourists and locals have been celebrating Wall Street’s “Fearless Girl” on social media.游客和当地人都在社交媒体上喜迎华尔街上“无畏的女孩”。
It became a trending topic on Wednesday.这件事成为了周三的一个热门话题。
One person wrote on Twitter, “The Wall Street bull may have met his match!”一人在推特上写道:“华尔街公牛这下棋逢对手了!”
This expression means that someone has found someone else that is equal to them in strength or ability.这个表达的意思是,某人找到了另一个在力量和能力上与其相当的人。
Another person tweeted, “Hope it becomes a permanent fixture.”另一个人在推特上写道:“希望这座雕像能够常驻这里。”
For now, New York City officials are permitting the “Fearless Girl” to remain for one week. 目前,纽约市官方允许“无畏的女孩”在这里树立一个星期。
But, she could be around for a lot longer.但她可能会待更长时间。
The Wall Street bull statue, for example, was put up in 1989. 举例来说,华尔街公牛雕像于1989年树立。
Italian artist Arturo Di Modica created it.由意大利艺术家阿图罗·迪·莫迪卡建造。
It was meant to show America’s strength and power following the 1987 stock-market crash.旨在展示1987年股市崩盘之后美国的力量和权势。
Artists installed the bull statue without the permission of the city.在未经纽约市批准的情况下,艺术家们树立了公牛雕像。
It, too, was put in place very early in the morning.它也是在一大早被树立起来的。
But it was soon removed.但很快就被搬走。
However, the public demanded that the bull statue be permitted to remain. 然而,公众要求允许公牛雕像留在原地。
So it soon received a permanent home.因此,很快它便永久树立在了那里。
Today, the bull statue is a Wall Street icon.现在,公牛雕像已经成了华尔街的一个标志。
Millions of tourists stop by to see the bull every year.每年有数百万的游客前来观看公牛雕像。
And if she remains, “The Fearless Girl” could become a Wall Street icon, too.如果“无畏的女孩”得以留下,那么她也有可能会成为华尔街的一个标志。
And that’s What’s Trending Today.以上便是今日新鲜事。
This is What’s Trending Today.People in the United States marked International Women’s Day in different ways.
Some went on strike and stayed home from work.Others wore the color red.
One investment group in New York City, however, celebrated in a different way. It put up a symbolic statue on Wall Street, the city’s financial center.
The statue is of a small, young girl.She is standing in a strong, confident, and defiant way.Her hands are on her hips.And, she is standing just across from a huge and well-known statue of a bull.
The work of art is called “The Fearless Girl.”
The group State Street Global Advisors put up the statue.Anne McNally is with the group.She told Reuters news agency that “The Fearless Girl” helps bring attention to the small number of women in high positions on Wall Street, as well as the lower wages that women working in finance receive.The group wants that to change, she says.
“A lot of people talk about gender diversity, but we really felt we had to take it to a broader level,” she said.
Under the new statue are the words, “Know the power of women in leadership.She makes a difference.”
Artist Kristen Visbal created “The Fearless Girl.”It was put up very early Tuesday.Many people were surprised to see it the next morning.
Tourists and locals have been celebrating Wall Street’s “Fearless Girl” on social media.It became a trending topic on Wednesday.
One person wrote on Twitter, “The Wall Street bull may have met his match!”
This expression means that someone has found someone else that is equal to them in strength or ability.
Another person tweeted, “Hope it becomes a permanent fixture.”
For now, New York City officials are permitting the “Fearless Girl” to remain for one week. But, she could be around for a lot longer.
The Wall Street bull statue, for example, was put up in 1989. Italian artist Arturo Di Modica created it.It was meant to show America’s strength and power following the 1987 stock-market crash.
Artists installed the bull statue without the permission of the city.It, too, was put in place very early in the morning.But it was soon removed.
However, the public demanded that the bull statue be permitted to remain. So it soon received a permanent home.
Today, the bull statue is a Wall Street icon.Millions of tourists stop by to see the bull every year.And if she remains, “The Fearless Girl” could become a Wall Street icon, too.
And that’s What’s Trending Today.