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Mexican Company Wants to Give Light to Border Wall

Hundreds of companies have expressed interest in helping build U.S. President Donald Trump’s southern border wall.However, only one of them is from Mexico.

Around 640 companies, mostly from the United States, have registered with the U.S. to design and build the wall.Among them are also companies from Spain, Germany, South Africa, Britain, Ireland, Puerto Rico and Canada.

The only company from Mexico is Ecovelocity.Located in Puebla, near Mexico City, the company sells cheap industrial LED lights.Theodore Atalla is the owner.He is a Greek-Egyptian native who has lived in Mexico for nearly 20 years.
而这唯一一家来自墨西哥的企业名为Ecovelocity。公司位于临近墨西哥城的普埃布拉,主要出售廉价的工业LED灯。Theodore Atalla是该企业负责人。作为一名希腊裔埃及人,他在墨西哥已经住了将近有20年了。

Atalla said his lights, mostly imported from China, are cheaper than his competitors.He wants to provide lights for the wall that many people in Mexico hate.

It would only be on the Mexican side because I don’t think we would be allowed to work on the other side, Atalla said in an interview.“They said they only wanted American products.”
“我们公司应该只是为墨西哥这一侧的墙提供灯具,因为我觉得美国应该不会允许我们在他们那一侧工作,” Atalla在一次采访中如是说。“他们说只想要美国自己生产的产品。”

Two other Mexican companies told Reuters that they are willing to work on the project.

Mexico’s Cemex is one of the world’s largest cement producers.It is willing to provide quotes to supply materials for the wall.And its competitor, Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua, has also said they might be willing to work on the project.
墨西哥的Cemex是世界上最大的水泥生产商之一。该企业表示愿意提供报价,为修建边界墙提供建筑材料。另外Cemex的竞争对手Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua也对外表示,他们也有意愿参与这项工程的建设。

Both companies have a history of projects in the United States.

I’m Phil Dierking