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Famous American House Sits on Top of a Waterfall

American architect Frank Lloyd Wright designed more than 1,000 buildings and other structures during his lifetime.
美国建筑师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)一生设计了1000多栋建筑以及其他一些建筑物。
One of the most famous is Fallingwater, a house in rural southwestern Pennsylvania.
Wright designed the house in 1935. Fallingwater is not near a big city and is not easy to travel to. But it is worth the time and effort needed to find it.
The house is called Fallingwater for a reason: it sits on top of a waterfall, created by a mountain river named Bear Run. The waterfall is actually part of the house. You can hear it in one of the bedrooms. You can see it under your feet in the living room.
这座建筑之所以叫流水别墅是有原因的,它坐落在一条瀑布的顶部,一条名叫“熊奔溪”(Bear Run)的山间小河飞流直下形成了这道瀑布。这道瀑布实际上也是别墅的一部分。在其中的一间卧室,你可以听到流水声。在客厅,你可以看到瀑布从你脚下淌过。
Edgar and Lillian Kaufmann owned a large store in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They asked Frank Lloyd Wright to design a home for them that they could visit on weekends. Wright combined the waterfall into the house.
埃德加·考夫曼(Edgar Kaufmann)和莉莲·考夫曼(Lillian Kaufmann)曾经在宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡拥有一家大型商店。他们曾请弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)为他们设计一栋可在周末作休闲之用的别墅。于是赖特将瀑布融入了别墅。
The structure was so interesting that it and Wright were on the cover of Time magazine in 1938. Many famous people visited Fallingwater, including scientist Albert Einstein, actors Ingrid Bergman and Marlene Dietrich, and then-President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Today, Linda Waggoner is the director of Fallingwater. She told VOA that the house was everything the Kaufmanns wanted.
现在,琳达·瓦格纳(Linda Wagoner)是流水别墅的管理人。她向美国之音透露说,这幢别墅简直就是考夫曼夫妇梦寐以求的东西
“It just fit them like a pair of custom shoes, fit their lifestyle and what they wanted to achieve here, which was an immediate integration and relaxation in nature.”
The home combines human-designed forms with things found in nature, such as stone, flowers and water. It has many open spaces, filled with light and air. Instead of art or photographs on the walls, there are large windows.
Fallingwater has been a museum since 1964. Smithsonian Magazine said it is one of the few places that Americans must see. Over the past 50 years, more than four million people have done so.
I’m Jill Robbins.