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Facebook’s Fight to Block Violent and Hateful Content

Words in This Story

credible – adj. reasonable to trust or believe

facetious – v. speech that is meant to be funny but that is usually considered annoying or silly

bully - v. intentionally bother or frighten someone who is smaller, weaker, etc.

sadistic – adj. enjoyment that someone else is hurt or feels pain

censor – n. person who examines books, movies, letters, etc., to remove things considered offensive, immoral or harmful

distress – n. suffering or pain affecting the body or mind

disturbing – adj. something that worries or upsets you

challenging – adj. difficult to do

task – n. piece of work or job for someone to do

figuring out – n. finding out how to understand something

filter - v. software tool to prevent certain types of content from being received or seen

blacklist – n. list of people or things to be avoided

category – n. group of things related to each other

response – n. answer or reaction to something

access – n. way of getting at or near someone or something

encrypted – adj. information that is electronically changed from one form to another, especially to hide its meaning

amplify – v. make something stronger, louder, etc.

inspire – v. make someone want to do something