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‘See You Again’ Passes ‘Gangnam Style,’ Breaks YouTube Record

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Five years ago this week, South Korean music artist Psy put his official "Gangnam Style" music video on Youtube.

It went on to become the most-played YouTube video of all time. The quirky music video got more views than YouTube's maximum possible view count; the company had to change its coding method.

As of Thursday, more than 2.89 billion people had watched it.

But, just days before "Gangnam Style's" five-year YouTube anniversary, another music video finally passed its view count. Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth's video for "See You Again" has now been viewed more than 2.9 billion times.
但是,就在《江南Style》在Youtube发布五周年纪念日之前,另一首MV最终超过了它的观看量。维兹·卡利法(Wiz Khalifa)和查理·普斯(Charlie Puth)的视频《See You Again》已经被观看了29亿多人次。

The song "See You Again" was written for the movie "Furious 7." The music video honored "Fast and Furious" star Paul Walker, who died in a car crash in late 2013. It was published on YouTube in April 2015.
《See You Again》这首歌是写给《速度与激情7》这部电影的。这首MV纪念了《速度与激情》系列电影中的明星保罗·沃克(Paul Walker),他于2013年底在车祸中遇难。该MV于2015年4月在YouTube上发布。

Wiz Khalifa said in a statement that he is happy his song has been able to "inspire and impact so many lives."

Charlie Puth wrote on Twitter that he joined YouTube in 2007. His hope then was to make a video that would get 10,000 views.

"Just heard about See You Again...wow," Puth wrote.
普斯写道:“刚听说了《See You Again》的点击量......哇!”

"Gangnam Style" is now the second-most played video ever. Justin Bieber's "Sorry" is in third place. "Uptown Funk," by Mark Ronson with Bruno Mars, is in fourth place.
《江南Style》目前是有史以来播放量第二多的视频。贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)的《Sorry》排在第三位。马克·罗森(Mark Ronson)和布鲁诺·玛斯(Bruno Mars)合作的《Uptown Funk》排名第四位。

In fifth place is this year's viral hit "Despacito," by Luis Fonsi with Daddy Yankee. The music video was published this January, and has already been played more than 2.5 billion times.
And that's What's Trending Today.
排名第五位的是今年爆红的《Despacito》,由路易斯·冯西(Luis Fonsi)和Daddy Yankee合作完成。这首MV今年一月才发布,它已经被播放了25亿人次。