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Third Vietnamese Hostage Killed in Philippines

A third Vietnamese hostage held by Islamic militants in the Philippines has been killed.
Filipino General Cirilito Sobejana confirmed Thursday that troops found the body of Viet Van Tran after a weekend battle between troops and Abu Sayyaf militants. The fighting also left four militants and a soldier dead.
菲律宾的索贝哈那将军(Cirilito Sobejana)周四证实,菲律宾军队周末在同阿布沙耶夫武装分子交战之后,发现了越南人Van Tran的尸体。这次战斗还导致了四名武装分子和一名士兵死亡。

The body was found in the southern island province of Sulu. News reports quoted Sobejana as saying the victim had suffered "multiple gunshot wounds." He said it was not known whether the hostage was killed during fighting or was shot by his captors.

The victim was the latest Vietnamese hostage to be killed while in custody of the Abu Sayyaf group. Last week, two Vietnamese hostages were found beheaded on the southern island of Basilan. Another Vietnamese hostage was shot by the captors earlier this year.

All victims were working as crew members aboard two cargo ships when they were captured by Abu Sayyaf militants. One incident happened last February, the other in November 2016.

One of the Vietnamese hostages escaped captivity in Basilan last month. But seven others are still being held by the militant group.

Abu Sayyaf is currently holding a total of 21 hostages, including 15 foreigners, according to Philippine military officials.

Abu Sayyaf was formed in the 1990s with financial assistance from al Qaeda. It split into a collection of factions in the mid-2000s and is now believed to include about 400 members. Several factions have declared allegiance to the Islamic State in recent years.

The Counter Extremism Project says Abu Sayyaf operates from the Sulu Sea islands in the mostly Muslim southern Philippines. It seeks to set up an independent Islamic state in the region.
Philippine troops have been battling Muslim rebels with ties to Abu Sayyaf in the country's south for the past two months.
“反极端主义项目”(Counter Extremism Project)表示,阿布沙耶夫组织在菲律宾南部以穆斯林为主要人口的苏禄群岛活动。该组织力图在该地区建立一个独立的伊斯兰国家。

The troops are searching for Isnilon Totoni Hapilon, a top leader of the Abu Sayyaf group for the past 20 years. Hapilon is on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorist list. The search for him has been centered in the town of Marawi, on the island of Mindanao.
过去20年里,菲律宾军队都在搜捕阿布沙耶夫组织高级领导人伊斯尼隆·东东尼·哈皮隆(Isnilon Totoni Hapilon)。哈皮隆也名列美国联邦调查局头号通缉的恐怖分子名单上。对他的搜捕主要集中在棉兰老岛的马拉维镇。

More than 400 people have been killed in the fighting in Marawi since late May. Hundreds of thousands have been displaced and about 20 percent of the town has been destroyed.