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People Work, Make Connections at Silicon Valley Cafe

Coupa Café is a restaurant where, over the years, Apple's Steve Jobs, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg and Google's Sergey Brin have been seen.
古帕咖啡馆是一家餐厅。多年来,苹果公司的史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)、脸书网的马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)以及谷歌的谢尔盖·布林(Sergey Brin)都在那被人撞见过。
The cafe is in Palo Alto, California. Palo Alto is at the heart of Silicon Valley, home to some of the world's largest technology companies and some of the smallest startups.

Coupa Café is where many people buy coffee and make business plans.

The owner of the café is Jean Paul Coupal. He started the café with his mother and his sister in 2004.
这家咖啡店的老板是吉恩·保罗·古帕尔(Jean Paul Coupal)。2004年他和他的母亲以及姐姐一起开办了这家咖啡馆。

The Coupa logo was seen on a cup in the 2010 movie The Social Network, about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

The café serves Venezuelan coffee and a few Venezuelan dishes.

Because the café is in Silicon Valley, it has tried some of the latest inventions in technology. In 2013, Coupa Café started accepting Bitcoins, a digital payment system outside of traditional banks.

"We want to be part of the technology," Coupal said.

The café is also a place for people to hold meetings.

"I remember seeing Mark Zuckerberg sitting here and having meetings," said Eric Sokol, an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford University.
斯坦福大学妇产科副教授埃里克·索科尔(Eric Sokol)表示:“我记得看见过扎克伯格坐在那里开会。”

Sokol said he had many professional opportunities come about at Coupa Café. Sometimes other people would overhear a conversation he was having. Currently he is an advisor to a health care related startup and a new investment fund. Both opportunities came when he was at the café.

Because the café lets customers stay all day, many people do work there.

"A lot of the startups in the area come and they like to work at Coupa, coding all day," Coupal said. "We've seen a lot of products that got developed at Coupa."

The café also attracts students from colleges nearby like Stanford University.

Katie Kennedy is a student from a local community college. She said she knew that opportunities could come from chance encounters at the café.
凯蒂·肯尼迪(Katie Kennedy)是来自当地一家社区学院的学生。她说,她知道机会可能就来自在这家咖啡馆的不期而遇。

"I am currently teaching myself JavaScript here at Coupa right now. If someone happened to look over my shoulder and saw what I was doing, I would definitely not say no to any help."

Currently there are eight Coupa Cafés. All were hand painted by Coupal's mother and sister.

"The food's good, the coffee's good," Sokol said. "It just has the right atmosphere, the right mix of people. It's got an energy about it, I guess."

I'm Mario Ritter.