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People who live near American military bases and like to use drones, should be careful. Their flying toy might become a target.

A drone is a flying machine operated by a device on the ground.

On Monday, the U.S. military announced new guidelines about how it may deal with private drones. Navy officer Jeff Davis is a spokesman for the United States Defense Department. He said that civilian drones in the sky could be at risk of capture or destruction.
美国军方周一宣布了他们可能会如何处理私人无人机的新的指导方针。海军军官杰夫·戴维斯(Jeff Davis)是美国国防部发言人。他说,天空中的民用无人机可能会面临被捕获或摧毁的风险。

Captain Davis said the U.S. government is concerned about the safety of military sites, airplanes and people. So, he said, it is closely watching drones.

The Federal Aviation Administration estimated the number of private business drones alone could increase 10 times by 2021. In late 2016, the agency estimated there were 42,000 drones being used by businesses.

Google, Amazon and pizza delivery services have proposed using drones to reach customers.

The government has announced a plan to deal with drones. It took months to negotiate. Many details are still secret about terms for capturing or destroying private drones. It is not even clear how far drones must stay from military sites to avoid being targeted.

Action against drones does not have to involve firepower. The news website cnn said the U.S. Department of Defense has developed systems for bringing down drones using radio waves. The report said such systems are already in use in Syria, Iraq and other places.

The drone story led to a mixed reaction on Twitter. Several tweets suggested the military's announcement about possible downings of drones was not news. Seany Hide tweeted, "Of course they can."
这则无人机新闻在推特上引起了不同反应。一些推文认为,军方宣布可能击落无人机不是什么新闻。Seany Hide发推文称:“他们当然可以这么做。”

Keith Wheeler agreed. "Sounds reasonable," he tweeted.
Keith Wheeler也表示同意,他发推文称:“这听起来很合理啊。”

Others wondered why homeowners cannot take similar action. Twitter user Mark Bradford said people should be able to shoot down drones flying over their property.
其他人想要知道为什么房主不能采取类似行动。推特用户Mark Bradford表示,人们应该能够击落飞越他们房屋的无人机。

On Tuesday, U.S. defense officials said an Iranian drone interfered with an American fighter jet in the Persian Gulf. The drone was being controlled by people on an Iranian boat. The officials said airplanes have avoided hitting drones 12 other times this year.

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