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'Rally Cat' Goes Viral After Baseball Game

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The Saint Louis Cardinals and Kansas City Royals each have less than 50 games to play this season. Both teams hope to win enough games to play for the championship of North American baseball later in the year.

The Cardinals and Royals have a long-standing rivalry. It is sometimes called the "Show-Me Series." That is because both teams play their home games in the American state of Missouri, known as the "Show-Me State."

This week, the Cardinals and Royals have been playing against each other in a series of games. But it is not the usual "Show-Me Series" rivalry that people are talking about. Instead, they are talking about a new battle that took place during the game Wednesday night.

The battle was between a member of the Cardinals' field crew and a cat.

Twenty-year-old Lucas Hackmann is a college student. He works at the Cardinals' Busch Stadium in St. Louis. On Wednesday night, he and other crew members discovered a small, gray cat running around on the field in the middle of the game.
20岁的卢卡斯·哈克曼(Lucas Hackmann)是一名大学生。他在红雀队的圣路易斯布希球场工作。周三晚上,他和其他同事在比赛中发现一只小灰猫跑到了场上。

It was in the sixth inning. The Royals were leading the Cardinals 5 to 4. The Cardinals' Yadier Molina was at bat, and the bases were loaded. But before Molina could swing at the ball, the cat ran onto the field. It walked up to Royals' Lorenzo Cain in the outfield. The player looked down and smiled at the small creature.
当时是第六局。皇家队以5:4领先红雀队。红雀队的亚历山大·莫里纳(Yadier Molina)击球并且已经满垒。但是在莫里纳挥杆击球之前,这只猫跑进了场内。它走向了站在外野的皇家队的洛伦佐·凯恩(Lorenzo Cain)。这名球员低头笑着看着这只小动物。

Lucas Hackmann quickly ran onto the field to remove the animal so that the game could continue. The cat tried to escape, but Hackmann was able to catch it.

However, the cat was not happy.

It began to attack the man, cutting into the skin, and biting his hands and fingers. Hackmann appeared to be in pain, but continued to hold onto the cat. The crowd laughed and cheered.

One television announcer said, "You've got to hold them [cats] by the back of the neck, just like the momma does!"

Hackmann and the cat did make it off the field together. And the game continued.

The Royals' pitcher then threw the ball to Molina. He hit it into deep left field. The ball landed in the crowd. It was a home run. Because the bases were loaded, the Cardinals scored four runs.

Suddenly, the Royals were losing 8 to 5. When the game ended, St. Louis had won.

People who follow the Cards have nicknamed the animal "Rally Cat." A "rally" is when a player or team that has been playing poorly begins to play well.

The hashtag #RallyCat soon became a trending topic on Facebook and Twitter.

Hackmann -- a big Cards fan himself -- did not have a good night. He had to go to the hospital because of the injuries he suffered.

Thursday morning, Hackmann told a St. Louis radio station that he has never owned a cat. He did not expect the cat to bite him, he said, "but obviously, I was being kind of dumb there."

Rally Cat is not the only one getting attention on social media. Hackmann said his Twitter account has "blown up" and "doubled in followers."

Hackmann said he does not know what happened to the Rally Cat after he carried it off the field, but, in his words, "hopefully we'll be reunited soon."

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