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尽管谷歌脸谱都在打击 假新闻依旧层出不穷

Words in This Story

social media – n. forms of electronic communication, such as websites, through which people create online communities to share information, ideas, and personal messages

fake - adj. meant to look real or genuine but not real or genuine

source(s) – n. a person, book, or website that gives information

conspiracy theory – n. a theory that explains an event or situation as the result of a secret plan by usually powerful people or groups

post(s) – n. a message on an online message board

page – n. one section of a Web site that is found at a single address

strategies – n. careful plans or methods for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time

credible – adj. reasonable to trust or believe

reference(s) – n. something, such as a book, dictionary, or encyclopedia, that people can look at or in to find information about something