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Spanish prosecutors say they will seek rebellion charges against the leaders of Catalonia's ousted government. The move follows Catalonia's declaration of independence from Spain last week.
Spain considers Catalonia's moves to create an independent state a violation of the country's constitution.

Chief prosecutor Jose Manuel Maza said Catalan leaders would also be charged with inciting people to rebel and misuse of public money. He accused the leaders of causing "an institutional crisis" by leading efforts to separate Catalonia from Spain.
西班牙首席检察官何塞·曼努埃尔·马萨德(Jose Manuel Maza)表示,加泰罗尼亚地区领导人还将被指控煽动民众叛乱以及滥用公款。他指责这些领导人通过领导加泰罗尼亚从西班牙的分离运动造成了“一次制度性危机。”

Maza did not name the individuals facing charges. But they reportedly include Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont, as well as members of his cabinet and legislative leaders in Catalonia.
马萨德并未指明面临指控的个人。但是据报道,这些人包括加泰罗尼亚领导人卡尔斯·普伊格德蒙特(Carles Puigdemont)以及他的内阁成员和立法领袖。

A Spanish government official told the Associated Press that Puigdemont had traveled to Brussels, Belgium. Over the weekend, a Belgian official said it would not be "unrealistic" for Puigdemont to request asylum in the country.

Catalonia's parliament declared independence from Spain Friday. Hours later, Spain's Senate voted to give the Spanish government the authority to take over direct rule of the northeastern area.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy then ordered the dismissal of Catalonia's government and removed senior Catalan police officials. He also called for new elections to be held December 21.
西班牙总理马里亚诺·拉霍伊(Mariano Rajoy)随后下令解散加泰罗尼亚政府,并开除加泰罗尼亚高级警官。他还呼吁12月21日重新举行选举。

Despite the charges sought against Catalonia's leaders, the region's major secessionist parties said Monday they planned to take part in the elections. Political observers said this decision signaled unspoken acceptance by pro-independence parties of Spain's latest moves toward direct rule.

On Sunday, hundreds of thousands of anti-independence demonstrators took to the streets of Barcelona to voice their opposition to Catalonia's declaration.

On Monday, most employees in Catalonia showed up for work, ignoring calls by some pro-independence groups for civil disobedience protests.

Catalonia – a wealthy region with its own language and culture - has long sought independence from Spain.

Catalan leaders held an independence referendum on October 1. They said the results gave them clear authority to declare independence. Spain's government and Constitutional Court declared the referendum illegal.