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学生们利用虚拟现实技术重现广岛 纪念原子弹爆炸73周年

Japanese high school students have created a virtual reality program to mark the 73rd anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
The American bombing on August 6, 1945, along with the bombing of Nagasaki three days later, ended World War II. The first attack killed an estimated 140,000 people.

The students produced a five-minute program that recreates the sights and sounds of Hiroshima before, during and after the bombing.

Their project took two years to complete. The students and their teachers undertook the effort in hopes that such an event will never happen again.

Virtual reality recreates an unforgettable experience

In order to experience the program, users wear virtual reality headsets.

The program lets them take a virtual walk along the Motoyasu River before the bombing.

It shows the buildings and businesses that once stood.

Users also can enter a post office and the Shima Hospital courtyard. The bomb exploded directly above the hospital, completely destroying it. They can see the remains of a building now called the Atomic Bomb Dome.

The program shows the sunny, summer day in 1945. Cicada insects sing in the trees.

Later, a single plane flies overhead.

Then, a flash of light, followed by a huge explosion.

Buildings are gone in a moment. Smoke and fires spread under the darkened sky.

Students' project: a race against time

Some of the students said virtual reality technology was a good choice to reach their goal.

The students who worked on the project belong to a computer skills research club at Fukuyama Technical High School. Fukuyama is a city about 100 kilometers from Hiroshima.

Mei Okada said of the virtual reality project, "Even without language, once you see the images, you understand."
Mei Okada谈到了这一虚拟现实程序,“即使没有声音,一看到画面你就会明白。”

Eighteen-year-old Yuhi Kakagawa said, at first, he did not have much interest in what happened so long ago. But after creating the buildings from photos of what once existed, "I felt how scary atomic bombs can be," he said. He understood that is was "really important to share this with others."
18岁的Yuhi Kakagawa表示,他最初对这么多年前发生的事情没多大兴趣 。但是在根据照片复原建筑之后,“我感觉到了原子弹有多可怕。”他明白与别人分享这一点非常重要。

To recreate Hiroshima before the bombing, students studied photographs and spoke to survivors. Then, they used software to add realistic details to the virtual reality program.

"Those who knew the city very well tell us it's done very well. They say it's very nostalgic," said Katsushi Hasagawa. Hasagawa is a computer teacher who supervises the club.
Katsushi Hasagawa表示:“熟悉这座城市的人们称我们做得很棒,他们称其非常令人怀念。”Hasagawa是负责监管该俱乐部的一名计算机教师。

He said seeing the effect of people remembering the past "makes me glad that we created this."

The students worked through their summer vacation in classrooms without an air cooling system. Temperatures reached as high as 35 degrees Celsius as they labored to create the video.

Because remaining survivors are so old, Hasegawa said, it was a race against time.