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Ask a Teacher: By the Way vs. Mind You

English phrases can be difficult to remember since the meaning of each individual word may not give any clue as to a phrase's meaning.
In today's Ask a Teacher, Inna from the Ukraine asks about two phrases. Here is her question:


Hello. Can you please explain the difference between "by the way" and "mind you" and how to use these phrases correctly? Thank you.
你好,你能否解释一下 by the way 和 mind you 之间的区别,以及如何正确使用这些短语?谢谢!


Hello, Inna, and thanks for your question.

I never thought of these two phrases as having anything in common, but your question gave me something to research! Here's what I found: Both "mind you" and "by the way" are used to direct the listener's attention to an added piece of information. But that is as far as their similarities go.
我从没认为这两个短语有任何共同之处,但是你的提问让我去研究了一下。以下是我的发现:mind you 和 by the way 都用于提醒听众注意附加信息,但是它们也就这点相似之处。

By the way

English speakers use "by the way" when we want to quickly ask or say something that is partly or totally unrelated to the subject of discussion.
英语人士在想要快速问到或说出与讨论主题部分或完全无关的内容时,就会用到 by the way 这个短语。

For example, suppose you were talking to a friend about a city you visited, and how beautiful it was. Then, suddenly, you remember something unrelated – your future travel plans with your friend. You might say something like this:

The architecture was gorgeous. And, we visited the flower gardens and ancient temples. Oh, by the way, are we still going to London in November?

Mind you

But, unlike with "by the way," we do not use "mind you" to add a piece of unrelated information to what we just said.
但是跟 by the way 的用法不同,我们不会使用 mind you 来补充一些跟我们刚刚说的完全不相关的信息。

We usually use "mind you" to show differences between two statements. It has a similar meaning to "however" or "but, just to let you know" or "on the other hand." It helps us make clear to the listener that we don't want our statement to be misunderstood.
我们通常使用 mind you 来表示两个陈述之间的差异。它的含义类似 however(然而),或者是 but, just to let you know(但是,你得知道)或者是on the other hand(从另一方面来说)。它帮助我们让听众弄明白,我们不希望自己的陈述被误解。

For example, imagine that a teacher had received excellent online reviews from people who took her class. So, you decided to try it. But, you did not enjoy the class. You might say:

Her class wasn't very good. Mind you, I think she's a nice person.

It is similar to saying, "Her class wasn't very good. But, just to let you know, I think she's a nice person."

You can also put "mind you" at the end of a sentence, like this:
你还可以把 mind you 放在句末,如下所示:

I think she's a nice person, mind you.

Note that "mind you" is not used very much in everyday American English.
请注意 mind you 在日常美式英语中不太常用。

And that's Ask a Teacher.