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Helpful Words and Terms
midwife – n. a person (usually a woman) who helps a woman when she is giving birth to a child (plural: midwives)
clinic – n. a place where people get medical help
assisted living facility – n. housing for people with disabilities or adults who cannot live independently
surgery – n. medical treatment in which a doctor cuts into someone's body in order to repair or remove damaged or diseased parts
cardiac – adj. relating to the heart
oncology – n. the study and treatment of cancer and tumors
anesthesia – n. a medical treatment that prevents patients from feeling pain during surgery
orthopedic – adj. relating to the treatment of illnesses and injuries that affect bones and muscles
psychiatric – adj. relating to a branch of medicine that deals with mental or emotional disorders
global health – n. an area for study, research and practice that places priority on improving health and achieving equity in health for people worldwide
interaction – n. to talk or do things with other people
consciousness – n. the normal state of being awake and able to understand what is happening around you
elderly – adj. old or rather old
bias – n. a tendency to believe that some people or idea are better than others that usually results in unfair treatment
accent – n. a way of pronouncing words that occurs among the people in a particular region or country
license – n. an official document that gives you permission to do, use or have something
board exam – n. a set of tests you take to be allowed to work in a particular area as a doctor, nurse or other healthcare professional
VA – n. Veterans Affairs