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net(s) – n. a device that is used for catching or holding things or for keeping things out of a space and that is made of pieces of string, rope or wire linked together with spaces in between

invasive – adj. likely to spread

species – n. a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants

ecosystem(s) – n. everything that exists in a given environment

management – n. the act or skill of controlling and making decisions about a business, department or sports team

commercial – adj. related to or used in the buying and selling of goods and services

parasite(s) – n. an animal or plant that lives in or on another animal or plant and gets food or protection from it

eventually – adv. at some later time

aquatic – adj. living or found in or near water

nuisance – n. a person, thing, or situation that is annoying or that causes trouble or problems